Adrianne Stone


Adoption Gone Awry


Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

Some assignments are uplifting, while others are heartbreaking.  The piece I did for Westchester magazine (a publication that skews towards high income females) called Adoption Gone Awry illuminated the world of adoption in a truly dramatic and honest fashion.

It exposed the downside of taking in a child as your own – navigating through a system that raises hopes but promises nothing.  Even the lucky ones find themselves facing issues of separation and anger from the children upon whom they’ve showered their love.

I wanted to present this story as more of a service piece – garnering as much help from authorities on the subject (psychologists, adoption agencies, doctors) as possible.  But the publication weighed heavier in favor of sensationalism.  Sadly, it wasn’t difficult to deliver on that, as there are countless stories of adoptions that tore families apart like a tornado devastating not only parents but siblings in its lethal path.

Tread carefully and wisely, do your homework…and hope for the best.  After all my exhaustive research, that was ultimately the best advice.

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